
Christiani Hugenii aliorumque seculi XVII virorum celebrium exercitationes mathematicæ et philosophicæ ex manuscriptis in Bibliotheca Academie Lufguno-Batavae servatis Petrus Joannes Uylenbroek, Hagae comitum ex Typographia Regi, 1833

Important collection of 91 scientific letters of three of the greatest 17th century scientists. Some of these letters were very influencial to the development of certain aspects of mathematics. It is the first publication of Huygens’ correspondence with Leibniz and L’Hopital translated from the Latin language into French and published by Petrus Joannes Uylenbroek. He was professor at the Dutch Academy of Physics and Astronomy in Leiden. This first part of this volume contains 56 letters between Leibniz (34) and Huygens (22) (LVI and not altogether LXXVI letters; printing error starting after letter number XLI: LXII-LXXVI), written between 1674 and 1694. The 2nd part (ff. 215ff.) contains 35 letters between the marquis Guillaume F.A. de L’Hopital (19) and Huygens (16), written between 1690 and 1695.


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